Tag Archives: videos

International Surf Day around the world

June 21 was a banner holiday. Even Pearl Jam tweeted “Happy first day of summer and International Surfing Day.” Gallery Scenes from ISD around the world. Gallery Hope you made the most of it. And while a lot of the talk was based around the Surfrider Foundation’s all day Web-A-Thon membership…

Japan is for trustfunders

We didn’t score until the last two hours of my most recent trip to Japan. Chris Burkard and I had been in the country for two weeks, and we’d had a blast making friends and surfing, but it wasn’t until the last day, just before a huge storm came through, and just before our flight, […]

How long can this go on?

“Ten years from now I feel like I could still be winning contests.” Kelly Slater said that four years ago in 2008 a day after winning his ninth world title at the Billabong Pro in Mundaka, Spain. He was 36 years old and had just capped off the most dominant season of his career, having […]

Go check out Art

Rockaway Beach has got a fun little wave today — three- to four-foot and mostly clean. The Atlantic is a little warmer than it should be in mid June. When the air warms up a bit this afternoon you can probably trunk it. But realistically, high tide is this evening at 5:45, which means it […]

Going Galapagos

Located 525 nautical miles off the coast of Ecuador sits the Galapagos Islands. Like Hawaii, it’s volcanic in origin. And like Hawaii, there’s some pretty good surf there. But unlike Hawaii, there aren’t many surfers. Boasting a population of just 25,000 people — whereas Waikiki’s population is about…

Parko’s perspective

With the completion of the Billabong Pro Rio and Joel Parkinson taking second place to John John Florence, Parkinson is now in the No. 1 spot on ASP World Tour. At 31, he has four runner-up finishes (2002, 2004, 2009, and 2011) but has yet to collect a World Title for himself. Does all this […]

This is Romain Cloitre

Chances are if you’re from the States you haven’t heard much about Romain Cloitre, let alone seen his surf talents in action, but to be sure, dude rips. Part of a hard-charging, full-on crew from the south Indian Ocean that’s quickly catching up to more global powerhouses like the United States and…

What’s he riding?

The best surfing Lowers has historically been the most progressive, but sometimes when pushing the performance level the experimentation with equipment falls by the wayside. But lately that’s changing as more surfers are opening up their minds to the potential of designs like the Mini Simmons and wider,…

Escaping to New South Wales

Byron Bay, something about the name, and everyone who’s been there will always long to go back. It’s the eastern most point in Australia, on the northern part of the New South Wales (NSW) coast. Known for it’s beautiful geography, great surf, artists and hippies. Home to The Pass, one of the most beautiful…

Occy Advances At The The Telstra Drug Aware Pro

Slater Eliminated, Occy Advances At The Telstra Drug Aware Pro

Sunny skies and picture perfect waves treated competitors and surf fans to an epic day of competition at the ASP Prime rated Telstra Drug Aware Pro today. The call was made to run a full day of the Men’s event to take advantage of the clean 5-6 foot (2 metre) surf on offer and reduce […]

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