Tag Archives: park
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Is America’s first Wavegarden a swimming pool?

America’s first Wavegarden installment is under fire. The Travis County is suing the NLand Surf Park just a few weeks prior to its opening in Austin, Texas. The county commissioners announced that the man-made wave lagoon doesn’t meet the list of requirements for public swimming pools built in Texas. “This action comes as a surprise […]

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Yes, the Lexus Hoverboard really levitates

Lexus promised it, and they delivered. The world’s first rideable hoverboard has been put to the test in a skate park in Cubelles, a village outside of Barcelona, Spain. The luxury vehicle division of Toyota decided to build a brand new skate park for showcasing the full potential of their action sports gadget. The park […]

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Austin gets the first Wavegarden in North America

The first public Wavegarden in North America will open in Austin, Texas, in 2016. The NLand Surf Park will feature 11 surfing areas with four different surfing levels ranging from beginner to professional. The artificial wave technology will create one-foot, four-foot and perfectly tubing six-foot waves every 60 seconds. Located on a beautiful rural property […]

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Surf Republic wants a surf pool in Texas

A medical laboratory scientist wants to overcome the irregular surfing conditions of Texas by building a surf pool in the Greater Houston area. Naradah Tisdel has a dream, and he will try to write history in the heart of Texas. The scientist-DJ has set up a crowdfunding campaign to draft the plans for a park called […]

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