Tag Archives: high
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Alex Zirke tames La Vaca XXL 2015

Alexander Zirke has claimed La Vaca XXL Invitational 2015, in the north of Spain. Thousands of spectators watched the “giant cow” generate 20-foot waves over a deep rocky seabed. The Cantabrian surf break attracted 32 riders from all over the world, including international wave hunters Eric Rebiere, and Tom Butler. In over five hours of […]

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Delta Flume is the world’s largest wave generator

Deltares, an independent Dutch research institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface, has unveiled the world’s largest wave generator. It will simulate the power of the sea for both engineered and power defenses in Delft, Netherlands. The Delta Flume is a full-scale test facility for hydraulic structures that is capable of […]

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Insanity returns to The Wedge

For two consecutive days, The Wedge delivered vertical drops into the abyss. Some say it was the best session of 2015 so far. On May 4th, at 7am, The Wedge was already pumping. Hundreds of pro and amateur photographers and videographers were pointing their lenses towards the most popular peak in Newport Beach. The conditions […]

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Surfing the streets of LA with the hoverboard

HUVr claims to have created the ultimate hoverboard, an high-tech skateboard without wheels that has invaded the streets of Los Angeles. Fantasy or reality? The future has arrived, they say. The first thing that comes to mind when you see a flying skateboard is “will they do that on surfboards?” The hoverboard concept introduced by the […]

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