Tag Archives: fire
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Matt Wilkinson wins the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast 2016

Matt Wilkinson defeated Kolohe Andino to claim the Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast 2016, at Snapper Rocks. The Australian surfer won his first ever Championship Tour (CT) event with a solid display of backside maneuvers. Wilkinson, who had previously eliminated Adriano de Souza, only stole the lead from Andino with six minutes on the clock. “I […]

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What is a tsunami?

Tsunamis are waves generated by large earthquakes, underwater volcanic eruptions and even meteor impacts. A tsunami travels at high speeds of up to 950km/h in the open ocean. This means that a tsunami wave might travel as fast as a jet airplane, although wave heights in the epicenter only rise one meter (3.2 feet) up. The […]

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