Tag Archives: exercise
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Claims in surfing influence judging scores

A group of researchers studied whether claims influence fans and judges in evaluating performance during surf contests. The paper entitled “Claims in Surfing: The Influence of Emotional Postperformance Expressions on Performance Evaluations” was in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology in December 2019. The analysis led by Philip Furley, a lecturer at German Sport […]

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Why sleep is important for your health

Saying that “sleep is for the weak” is a misleading statement. Here are a few valid and scientifically proven reasons why sleep is such an essential part of our lives. Did you know that one-third of American is not sleeping well on a regular basis? Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for resting the […]

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The best workout equipment for surfers

Just because you’re not in the water doesn’t mean you can’t be practicing your surfing skills. Discover the best fitness gear for your surf training program. If you’re an active surfer, staying in shape is not difficult. Combine a healthy diet with a few non-surfing physical exercises, and you’ll always be fit to go, even […]

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Children with special needs go surfing in NY’s Long Beach

Seventeen young patients with cerebral palsy enjoyed the pleasures of surfing in Long Beach, Long Island. The event organized by the Adaptive Sports Academy at New York City’s Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) had surfers Will and Cliff Skudin teaching the basic lessons to beginners aged from 5 to 21. Despite the initial anxiety and […]

How to transition from a longboard to a shortboard

Let’s be honest. Going from a longboard to a shortboard is a slow and tricky process. Learn how and when to make the transition with a few useful and practical tips. Initially, you’ll feel like you’re starting all over again. No worries, though. You won’t need to relearn how to stand up on a surfboard. […]

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The benefits of coffee for surfers

Coffee is probably one of the most popular brewed drinks among surfers. Because it wakes us up for early dawn patrols, and because it warms us up in those perfect winter morning swells. Although it is cultivated in over 70 countries, the history of coffee started, at least, in the middle of the 15th century, […]

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How to live the ultimate surfing lifestyle

Though the iconic illustration of a surfer is one of a peaceful individual living a simple life, the reality often requires some sacrifices and a lifestyle quite removed from that as viewed by non-surfers. Actually, living a surfer’s lifestyle is not about how exactly you appear; the things you wear or simply getting a surfboard […]

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