Tag Archives: cluster
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Riding the waves of San Sebastian’s emerging surf economy

San Sebastian’s surf cluster is a city-driven, new-generation type of cluster policy that connects apparently unrelated activities around a common theme: surf. By choosing a theme rather than a specific sector, the cluster initiative refrains from “picking winners” and opens new opportunities for economic diversification that make use of specific local strengths: gastronomy, hospitality, natural […]

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Dane Reynolds drops his B-side surf into a "Sampler"

Dane Reynolds is a B-side surfer because he never wanted to be an A-side competitor. And we just love him the way he is. Have you got 11 minutes to spare? Watch “Sampler” and get truly inspired for your upcoming session. The (only) surfer from Ventura, California, seems to excel in laid-back moments. When there’s […]

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