Top surf spots threatened by nuclear power plants
Is it safe to live and surf near nuclear power plants? Does radioactivity accelerate the development of cancer and leukemia? Do waves become a source of diseases? If an accident takes place, gases are leaked; water gets contaminated and highly radioactive. In recent times, we’ve learned it with the Fukushima nuclear power station. Everything around was […]
Is it safe to live and surf near nuclear power plants? Does radioactivity accelerate the development of cancer and leukemia? Do waves become a source of diseases? If an accident takes place, gases are leaked; water gets contaminated and highly radioactive. In recent times, we’ve learned it with the Fukushima nuclear power station. Everything around was shut down forever. The surf, the town, the environment. Only very small amounts of natural radioactivity can be considered harmful and safe. Everything else represents a risk. The breast tissue and the thyroid are extremely sensitive to ionizing radiation.
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Top surf spots threatened by nuclear power plants
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