Legendary surf guitar hero Dick Dale dies at 81

Dick Dale, the godfather of surf guitar, has passed away at 81, in Loma Linda, California. The “King of Surf Guitar” inspired millions of musicians worldwide and pioneered a music genre that enriched surf culture. Richard Anthony Monsour was born on May 4, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts. He got into music by learning to play […]

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 Dick Dale, the godfather of surf guitar, has passed away at 81, in Loma Linda, California. The “King of Surf Guitar” inspired millions of musicians worldwide and pioneered a music genre that enriched surf culture. Richard Anthony Monsour was born on May 4, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts. He got into music by learning to play piano but was later attracted to the ukulele.

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Legendary surf guitar hero Dick Dale dies at 81

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