Kelly Norris wins inaugural 2014 Carve Pro Junior

Kelly Norris has taken out the inaugural 2014 Carve Pro Junior, at Maroubra Beach, Australia. Norris managed to nail down the victory by a 1.67 point margin, against Jackson Giles, in tricky two-to-three foot waves. “This is just an incredible feeling. The waves were really tough out there and Jackson is such a good competitor […]

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Kelly Norris has taken out the inaugural 2014 Carve Pro Junior, at Maroubra Beach, Australia. Norris managed to nail down the victory by a 1.67 point margin, against Jackson Giles, in tricky two-to-three foot waves. “This is just an incredible feeling. The waves were really tough out there and Jackson is such a good competitor so it could have gone either way. Fortunately, I got one good wave and Jackson was too deep”, says Norris.

Kelly Norris wins inaugural 2014 Carve Pro Junior


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