Jamie Mitchell and Shane Dorian drive Euro wave madness

Jamie Mitchell and Shane Dorian have stood out during the “Black Swell” influence that has stormed Europe between 6th-7th January. Belharra was the big wave center stage for a couple of days, although it was not the spot pumping the biggest waves in the Old Continent. Eric Rebiere has raised the question. “Over 100 feet […]

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Jamie Mitchell and Shane Dorian have stood out during the “Black Swell” influence that has stormed Europe between 6th-7th January. Belharra was the big wave center stage for a couple of days, although it was not the spot pumping the biggest waves in the Old Continent. Eric Rebiere has raised the question. “Over 100 feet Nazaré?” You just couldn’t tell. It was simply too big to get brand new costumers. Here, you can pay the ride with your life.

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Jamie Mitchell and Shane Dorian drive Euro wave madness


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