How to treat coral cuts

Sometimes, surfers pay the ultimate price for chasing perfect barrels in idyllic scenarios. As a result, they’ll end up with fresh reef tattoos. Here’s how to treat coral cuts, scrapes and rashes. Accidents happen all the time, and even the occasional wipeout can have painful consequences, especially when you’re surfing in warm water wearing a […]

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 Sometimes, surfers pay the ultimate price for chasing perfect barrels in idyllic scenarios. As a result, they’ll end up with fresh reef tattoos. Here’s how to treat coral cuts, scrapes and rashes. Accidents happen all the time, and even the occasional wipeout can have painful consequences, especially when you’re surfing in warm water wearing a pair of boardshorts only. When you hit a sharp, dry reef, the first thing you’ll need to do is to paddle in to treat the abrasions, scrapes or cuts as quickly as possible.

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How to treat coral cuts

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