Volcano surfers ride the ashes of Cerro Negro

Volcano surfing or ashboarding is the newest form of defying gravity in western Nicaragua. Add surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and lava and you’ll discover the pleasures of volcano surfing. The spectacular feeling of getting away from the still-warm ashes of Cerro Negro is what is literally considered an extreme sport. The strange outdoor activity has been […]

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Volcano surfing or ashboarding is the newest form of defying gravity in western Nicaragua. Add surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and lava and you’ll discover the pleasures of volcano surfing. The spectacular feeling of getting away from the still-warm ashes of Cerro Negro is what is literally considered an extreme sport. The strange outdoor activity has been explored in the first years of the 21st century. It takes a steep 45-minute climb up the mountain to prepare yourself for the hot ride. Before speeding up down the volcano, you must protect yourself. Get a strong metal board, protective gear for your knees, professional goggles and no fear in your mind.

Volcano surfers ride the ashes of Cerro Negro


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