"Uncharted Waters" is the personal history of Wayne Lynch

“Uncharted Waters” is a feature-length documentary about the legendary Australian surfer Wayne Lynch. Wayne Lynch is everything he wanted to be. His unique approach to surfing has made his life turbulent and often conflicted yet, never useless. In many moments, only Wayne understood his own life. Directed and written by Craig Griffin, “Uncharted Waters – […]

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“Uncharted Waters” is a feature-length documentary about the legendary Australian surfer Wayne Lynch. Wayne Lynch is everything he wanted to be. His unique approach to surfing has made his life turbulent and often conflicted yet, never useless. In many moments, only Wayne understood his own life. Directed and written by Craig Griffin, “Uncharted Waters – The Personal History of Wayne Lynch” is a rich collection of classic surf footage and relevant insights from friends and from the most iconic surfers in history.

"Uncharted Waters" is the personal history of Wayne Lynch


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