Perfect glassy waves pumping at Lower Trestles

Nail biting wave exchanges decided who will dispute the Round 3 of the 2012 Hurley Pro, at Lower Trestles. The jewel peak of San Clemente delivered heavenly touched, glassy three-to-four foot (1 metre) waves for another impressive day of professional surfing. John John Florence, Jeremy Flores, Julian Wilson, Heitor Alves, Adam Melling, Travis Logie, Alejo […]

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Nail biting wave exchanges decided who will dispute the Round 3 of the 2012 Hurley Pro, at Lower Trestles. The jewel peak of San Clemente delivered heavenly touched, glassy three-to-four foot (1 metre) waves for another impressive day of professional surfing. John John Florence, Jeremy Flores, Julian Wilson, Heitor Alves, Adam Melling, Travis Logie, Alejo Muniz and Kai Otton have reasons to smile, as they defeated their opponents by less than one point. “I’ve been feeling so lost since I’ve been here,” Flores said. “I’ve been trying six or seven different boards because I usually ride a 5’11″ and I’ve been trying to ride a 5’9.”

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Perfect glassy waves pumping at Lower Trestles


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