Keala Kennelly: the life and career of a lesbian world champion surfer

Keala Kennelly was one of the first female surfers to ride the most dangerous waves on the planet. She has been spotted taking on the biggest and heaviest mountains of moving water at Jaws/Peahi, Teahupoo, Mavericks, Puerto Escondido, and Nazaré. The fearless Hawaiian is also the first woman to win a trophy in an open-gender […]

Image keala-kennelly-teahupoo.jpg

 Keala Kennelly was one of the first female surfers to ride the most dangerous waves on the planet. She has been spotted taking on the biggest and heaviest mountains of moving water at Jaws/Peahi, Teahupoo, Mavericks, Puerto Escondido, and Nazaré. The fearless Hawaiian is also the first woman to win a trophy in an open-gender category at the WSL Big Wave Awards.

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Keala Kennelly: the life and career of a lesbian world champion surfer

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