Mackenzie Pridham: the surfer-footballer with "Nothing But Time"

Mackenzie Pridham is a Canadian traveling surfer like many others. But, unlike the majority of his fellow board riders, Mac is also a former professional soccer player. Beyond the pitch, his passion for chasing perfect waves led him to some of the gems Indonesia has to offer. Mac is a 29-year-old good-looking gentleman from Toronto. […]

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 Mackenzie Pridham is a Canadian traveling surfer like many others. But, unlike the majority of his fellow board riders, Mac is also a former professional soccer player. Beyond the pitch, his passion for chasing perfect waves led him to some of the gems Indonesia has to offer. Mac is a 29-year-old good-looking gentleman from Toronto. He loves collecting experiences. After all, that’s what we take from life.

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Mackenzie Pridham: the surfer-footballer with "Nothing But Time"

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