The irresistible attraction between surfing and movies

John Engle believes that the film has played a central role in the emerging surfing subculture. In his book “Surfing in the Movies: A Critical History,” the author analyzes the fruitful relationship between motion pictures and the sport of riding waves, with their hidden details and messages as core ingredients. The history of surfing is incredibly […]

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John Engle believes that the film has played a central role in the emerging surfing subculture. In his book “Surfing in the Movies: A Critical History,” the author analyzes the fruitful relationship between motion pictures and the sport of riding waves, with their hidden details and messages as core ingredients. The history of surfing is incredibly rich. In the past 100 years, surfing became more than a sport. It grew into a culture, a cult, a lifestyle, and industry. America helped boost surfing around the world. The Californian surf myth also gave birth to brands, businesses and new needs for new markets. Hollywood watched the whole surfing scene develop, and acted accordingly when independent surf filmmakers proved they could sell out theaters in the main coastal towns and cities. When the giant film houses dropped in, surfing never stopped being a lucrative field.

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The irresistible attraction between surfing and movies


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