Pressure mounts at the 2014 Vans World Cup of Surfing

Top seeds have entered the 2014 Vans World Cup of Surfing, at Sunset Beach. However, all eyes are set on the Qualifying Series’ surfers. Dusty Payne kept his hopes alive with yet another splendid performance in the challenging waves. The Hawaiian opened his heat with Gabriel Medina with an under-the-lip late airdrop, followed by a […]

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Top seeds have entered the 2014 Vans World Cup of Surfing, at Sunset Beach. However, all eyes are set on the Qualifying Series’ surfers. Dusty Payne kept his hopes alive with yet another splendid performance in the challenging waves. The Hawaiian opened his heat with Gabriel Medina with an under-the-lip late airdrop, followed by a string of high-speed, carving turns. In the end, Payne won the clash. “It’s always nice to compete with the top dogs. Beating Gabe doesn’t really mean anything except I get to cruise to the next round. It doesn’t really mean much. I was just looking to go and try to get two fun waves. I’m just having fun and the waves keep coming, and I just keep smiling,” said Dusty Payne.

Pressure mounts at the 2014 Vans World Cup of Surfing


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