The best photoshopped surfing pictures

Surfing has always been a sport of striking pictures but, from time to time, the digital age has tried to manipulate waves, surfers and oceans. Discover the greatest photoshopped surf photos. But beware. There are incredible disasters included that may offend surfers-designers. Sharks eating surfers, tsunamis of trash, surfing statues, surfers riding roads, horses on surfboards, […]

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Surfing has always been a sport of striking pictures but, from time to time, the digital age has tried to manipulate waves, surfers and oceans. Discover the greatest photoshopped surf photos. But beware. There are incredible disasters included that may offend surfers-designers. Sharks eating surfers, tsunamis of trash, surfing statues, surfers riding roads, horses on surfboards, and giant waves in River Thames.

See the article here:
The best photoshopped surfing pictures


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